Hillingdon Council launches insulation project

Hillingdon Council has launched a project to help residents to lower their energy bills by offering them external wall insulation.

Named 'Warm and Cozy', the scheme is funded by energy companies and the government through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) initiative and is the first of its type in London.

many cases the insulation will be available for free, but some residents will have to make a contribution depending on their financial circumstances.

It is estimated that once installed the insulation will cut heating bills by around £490 a year.

Phillip Corthorne, cabinet member for social services, health and housing, told the Uxbridge Gazette that he is delighted that Hillingdon Council is leading the way in the capital by launching this scheme.

"When you consider the advantages, which include less fuel consumption, reduced energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint, not to mention the health benefits of having a well-heated home, it makes sense for the council to invest in improving access to home insulation," he added.

Posted by Rachel Jenkins
