
Former hospital transformed into...

A £55 million housing development has transformed the former Barnes Hospital near Cheadle Village into 155 apartments, townhouses...

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Thermal Bridging Block for use...

Insulating beneath free-standing parapet walls has always been a problem because most insulation footing material is not stable...

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Woodwool Panels in McDonalds

McDonald’s have recently specified wood-wool ceiling panels as part of a new modern and stylish design concept for its...

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Coleen and Wayne Rooney buy under...

Wayne Rooney and his wife Coleen have reportedly spent £10,000 on under floor heating for their dogs.

The couple have four...

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Revised Manchester skyscraper...

The transformation of the skyline of Manchester by the arrival of a plethora of skyscrapers is a process that is well underway,...

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What are U values?

When it comes to specifying building materials, it's easy to get caught up in technical terms and industry jargon - and making...

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